Patient Services
- Eligibility Screening and Recertification: Mondays 10:00 AM -11:30 AM
- Prescription refill pick up: Tuesday and Thursdays 9:00 AM.-11:00 AM
- Medical visits: Tuesday and Thursday evenings by appointment
- Dental visits: Friday mornings by appointment
- Gynecology visits: by appointment
- Counseling visits: by appointment
Services not offered at the clinic:
- We do not fill out any forms
- Routine physical examinations
- Medical visits or examinations for disability determination
- Determination of ability to return to work
- STD testing or Pregnancy testing
- We do not treat children – Must be 18 years of age
The Clinic is CLOSED:
Memorial Day
Fourth of July
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
New Years Day

If you receive medication from the clinic and need refills:
Refills must be called in 5 working days in advance. Call the main clinic number: 256-309-2491 with your medication bottle in front of you. We will need the RX number on the bottle to process the refill. If you leave a message on the answering machine, please speak slowly and clearly. Leave your name and the RX number. Prescription refills can only be picked up between 9:00-11:00 AM on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The Pharmacist is at the clinic at this time to provide your refills. Do not call the clinic to see if your refills are ready. The clinic does not provide any controlled substances or narcotics or prescriptions for controlled substances or narcotics.
No shows and excessive cancellations:
You will no longer be a patient of the clinic if you have 3 no-shows, and/or excessive cancellations. If you are 15 minutes late for your appointment you will have to re-schedule your appointment and it will be counted as a no-show. A cancellation without the 24-hour notice is considered a no-show. This policy includes medical appointments, lab work, and scheduled specialty referrals. As a courtesy to everyone: No Cell Phone Use while in the Clinic!